Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bloggers + Fashion + Hair + Phography = FUN!

It's been a month o' Sundays since my last post.  Shame.on.ME!!
However, it doesn't mean I don't completely adore my job.  I've been super busy, but wanted to share my latest project with you.
I had the opportunity to be a part of a project that included me shooting local NWA bloggers!  They were styled by Maude Boutique and had their hair styled by the lovely, Kelly Cooper. 

Check out these blogs for great styling tips, advice, must haves for the season, a good laugh, a tutorial on how to style your locks, a contest or just for a feel good moment.

 A blog by the talented, Kelly Cooper of Studio 8

Blonde Ambition


                                            Thank you, pretties for inspiring me to blog more!! 

Monday, August 15, 2011

...and so it begins

I'm now the proud Momma of a 1st grader.  1st grade!  Where did the time go?  I should be out and about, enjoying this freedom.  In all honesty, I'm sick with a sinus infection, and decided to stay at home today, edit pictures from my laptop, and post.  :)
Here goes it....

Monday, August 1, 2011

In other words....

I haven't been taking many pictures these days, because it's been about 120 degrees outside.  This post is all about words....I'm finding quotes, that I relate to, quotes that I love, and quotes that are just plain funny.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I'd like to thank my friend, Becca for introducing me to this awesome site.  It's also an "app" on my phone.  I'm so

Cute...however, I wouldn't want to clean out crumbs, spills etc.


 Neat idea.  I'd almost paint the tub turquoise or something fun and bright

Ok, now this is pure genius!  Wouldn't this be fun!!

So simple, yet so cute

Yes, please!

WOW!   This is where I want to go

What a fun room!

 Strawberries planted in cinder blocks 

I'm so doing this at the next wedding I shoot.  Cute idea.

I'll be doing this look too...keep a lookout for something similar to this on my blog!

Enough Said!

 I would never leave this swing...

Happy Monday